
Although the word “健康” might evoke thoughts of nutrition, 锻炼, 和健身, it encompasses far more than physical health. 在十大菠菜信誉网, we strive to advance a culture of whole-person 健康, which includes 精神 and 社会 well-being in addition to physical. We strongly believe that the ability to live our best selves, individually and within our communities, is founded on a holistic approach and active commitment to 健康 across many domains.

学生 perform yogoa outside suring sunset


健康 is essential to reaching our goals and achieving the best possible quality of life. It influences how we function, 感觉, and interact with others—and ultimately determines how successful we are in school, 工作, 和生活. UNLV cares about your 健康.

“在UNLV, we are committed to the physical, 精神, and 社会 well-being of all members of our campus community. I encourage all students, 教师, 和工作人员 members to seek out the variety of 资源 we offer for their health, 健康, 和成功. 祝你身体健康,UNLV!”

Keith E. Whitfield, Ph值.D.总统

Wellness is about more than the absence of illness or stress. It is the holistic integration of physical, 精神, and 社会 well-being. 健康 occurs when an individual attains a healthy balance of a number of different biopsycho社会 factors.

Among health researchers and practitioners, 健康 is widely regarded as a multidimensional construct. Its various domains have been described as physical, 知识, 情感, 职业, 金融, 社会, 环境, 精神上的, 和更多的. Each of these dimensions contributes to our sense of 健康. They intersect and impact one another, growing in prominence or subsiding based on personal circumstances. Neglect of one or more of the dimensions for any length of time may produce adverse effects.

例如, physical and 精神 health components are so closely linked that problems in one area can impact another. Improving physical health can also benefit psychological health and other 健康 domains, 反之亦然.

Developing 健康 is an individual and intentional process that involves the discovery of effective practices, 技术, and tools for continued growth and integration. There are countless ways to cultivate oneself on the self-directed and self-paced path of 健康 and to create harmony across all aspects of one’s life.

Building Your Best Self


Engaging in practices that promote optimal physical health for the body, including regular 锻炼, 适当的营养, adequate sleep and rest, medical care as needed, and avoidance of harmful habits such as drug use and alcohol abuse.


Cultivating 精神 growth and stimulation through creative and critical thinking to expand knowledge, 技能, and abilities; understanding a healthy range of emotions and how to express them; coping effectively with stress; engaging in mindfulness; and exploring meaning and purpose in life.

很好 in Relationships

Establishing a sense of connection and belonging through positive interpersonal relationships with family and friends; contributing to the community; cultivating awareness of and respect for diversity; maintaining a lifestyle that maximizes harmony with and minimizes harm to the environment; and achieving 职业 satisfaction and alignment with personal values.

one set of hands holds another


UNLV is dedicated to sustaining an environment that promotes the 健康 of our students, 教师, 和工作人员. By offering a wide variety of programs, 资源, 和服务, we seek to make healthy living and 健康 a part of our institutional culture.
