
Our Top Tier vision 和 mission guide our efforts at UNLV, 和 we have made remarkable progress on our journey. 顶级第2层.0, 我们战略计划的下一步发展, is a forward-looking roadmap that our university will continue to refine 和 follow over the next decade. It builds on our progress 和 recognizes our opportunities as we continue on our path to becoming a top public research university that transforms our community – 和 beyond.


  • 学生成绩;
  • 研究、奖学金和创造性活动;
  • 十大菠菜信誉网学术健康;
  • 社会经济发展;
  • 社区伙伴关系; 和
  • 社会公正、公平和包容.

These cores are all made possible through continuing to develop our infrastructure 和 ensuring shared governance practices are at the heart of what we do, 和 we must strategically deepen the culture of philanthropy 和 alumni connection since this area is key to our financial stability. 这些基本的核心 基础设施和共享治理慈善及校友参与 在所有核心领域协同工作.

Graphical representation of the six core areas 和 how the foundational areas relate back to all six core areas.



Improving the lives of our diverse students 和 transforming our communities through education 和 engagement.


As a minority-serving institution rich with diversity 和 committed to 股本, UNLV:

  • provides access to world class educational 经历 that are responsive to the needs of our students 和 stakeholders;
  • 从事开创性的研究, 奖学金, 专业, 和 creative activities that have impact 和 cross boundaries; 和
  • 提供高价值, cutting-edge interdisciplinary physical 和 mental health care to support our community.

We create value for the individuals 和 communities we serve by fostering a climate of innovation, stimulating economic diversification 和 workforce development, promoting social justice 和 inclusion of all voices, 丰富文化活力.


Our values are the cultural cornerstones that shape our identity. They guide our decisions 和 actions 和 demonstrate our Rebel spirit. UNLV价值观:我们让它发生!



The university recognizes the importance of 慈善及校友参与, as well as 基础设施和共享治理 in all aspects. These foundational goal areas are measured 和 monitored as part of the strategic plan. The culture of philanthropy 和 alumni connection is key to everything we do, 和 an improved infrastructure 和 a healthy shared government model are pivotal in order to accomplish the goals within the six core areas. The university continually develops 和 leverages the conditions necessary for success, which includes enhancing our financial stability, 打造终身校友, improving our infrastructure 和 management of resources, meaningful faculty engagement in shared governance, 和 the capacity for informed decision-making.

顶级第2层的核心区域.他们的战略目标, 任务, 和 indicators of achievement express the mission of the university. The core areas describe in broad statements what UNLV plans to accomplish 和 reflect the values that are shared by faculty 和 staff. Evaluation of the metrics associated with the indicators of achievement will demonstrate how effectively UNLV is carrying out its mission.


  • 学生进步
  • Bolster 研究, Scholarship, Creative Activity
  • 创建UNLV学术健康
  • 刺激社会经济发展
  • 促进社区伙伴关系
  • 促进社会公正、公平和包容


  • 慈善及校友参与
  • 基础设施和共享治理

We will evaluate our success as a leading research university by our progress on the measures established in each area. As a measure of overall university effectiveness 和 progress, UNLV将准备, 实现, 发放进度卡.


Student achievement focuses on improving undergraduate student learning outcomes, 经历, 和 co-curricular opportunities; closing the achievement gap; 和 financial aid. Graduate student success aims to carve out 和 optimize opportunities for graduate students. Workforce development is integral to this core area.



The core community partnerships seek to leverage our resources for public good to advance the university 和 the communities we serve. 我们会更加关注K-12, 公民参与, 和 community needs as this core area focuses on what we do for our community.


Bolster 研究、奖学金和创造性活动

研究, 奖学金, 和 creative activity will increase innovation 和 excellence in research, especially as we develop multiple interdisciplinary opportunities, 和 seek opportunities that further enhance 奖学金 和 creative activities.



社会经济发展 is focused on the research park, 行业参与, 创业创新. It includes the humanistic element, which is why it is named socio-economic.



十大菠菜信誉网学术健康 will be a leader in health. It will not only provide high-value quality care for the community, but also provide a source of economic diversity for our economy 和 provide cutting-edge research.



十大菠菜信誉网,文化是至高无上的, 和 the core promotes 和 supports a culture of social justice, 股本, 包容性已经发展起来. 通过文化变革, we will foster an environment that is inclusive, 欢迎, 支持所有人.



We enable progress in our cores by continually developing 和 leveraging the conditions necessary for success, including an improved infrastructure 和 meaningful faculty engagement.



We will strategically engage in comprehensive 和 cohesive coordination as we deepen the culture of philanthropy 和 alumni connection.
